La Microsoft Technical Community dell'Emilia-Romagna
interamente dedicata allo sviluppo software.
Future Decoded

Salvatore Di Fazio

43 anni
0 Posts

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La mia biografia

I have started programming videogames in 1995 and web applications since 2000.

I have some Microsoft certification.
You can find these here:
Transcript ID: 779966
Access code: salvo030580

I had worked in difference business fields such as aerospace & defence, finance, customer support, logistics, sales, etc

I'm particularly interested in Agile metodology and client/server applications.

I'm always interested in the latest Microsoft technologies.
Since 2011 I'm MVP in SharePoint Server.
I'm really  working hard on this and I have did a lot of projects with SharePoint Server in many kind of business fields.

I'm Specialties in:

Enterprise Architecture, Agile XP, ASP.NET, WCF, SharePoint Server, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript


I miei commenti

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